25 October 2012

Gas Tank Rehab...

This is me, doing the same thing as alot of people have done before. Painting my gas tank.

The bike got dropped by the previous owner, so also as alot of bikes, it had a dent in that top corner of the tank. You can also see in the pic dents on the smaller part of the tank.

To start took 120 grit sandpaper to the whole tank, using a small air sander(2in disks). I think I went through a dozen pieces.

Once it was all sanded I sandblasted it all, minus the sections with bondo.

Then for the bondo-ing. This is my first ever attempt with using bondo. I started using fiberglass bondo for the deeper spots, but left it 1/8 to 1/16 from the surface, so that I could cover over it with regular bondo. I was told by someone that knew what they were doing, that this is the best way. I am going to have to do another coat after I sand it down, there was some inconsistencies that I could not deal with(In-experience) while the bondo was wet.

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