06 May 2013

Jager Overflow Tank

Now i'm not much of a drinker, but cruisin around the internet for ideas the alcohol bottles definitely look the coolest.
For a little extra flare, and maybe unwanted attention from the police.

Started as 3" square tubing:

Cut to shape:

Rod welded in to hold bottle:

Everything textured:

Wrenches welded in to hold in bottle:

Used Plasti-Dip on the bottle side so the bottle doesn't crack with vibrations and temp differences. The rest painted black:

Miscellaneous Busy Work

Built handlebars
Mock up:

Bars finished and Painted:

Had to re-shape an ammo can a bit to get it to fir inside the frame rails:

Welded in the battery stay:

Updated to a newer blade-style fuse box:

Cut stock seat into a solo seat, mock up rear trailer fender, rear end painted black:

11 January 2013

Gas Tank Finished! Red/Black Crackled/Faded Paint

The long awaited product is finally here. and here is the finished tank.

Here is after sanding. I started with 800 grit, then to 1000 grit, then finally 2000.

I cleaned with a wax and grease remover, then clear coat with a Matte Clear Coat

29 December 2012

Tonight I ran into a bit of a problem. I painted the red on the tank last night around 6pm. I wet sanded at around 2:30pm today, cleaned it off with paint thinner(as i did with previous coats), and painted the top coat of flat black at 6pm tonight. this is the result:

By harnessing the full power of Google, I found out this is call 'Alligatoring'. And i'm pretty sure I basically jumped the gun on sanding and recoating, not allowing the red coat of paint to fully cure.

My dilemma is this; I can sand it all back down and start over, or I can leave it as is and carry on with my plans. The 'alligatoring' is actually really symmetrical, It is smooth(like paint should be) around the corners, and alligatored on the more flat surfaces. It almost looks like it was done like that on purpose, and I think looks kinda cool. I just don't don't want a finished product that looks like sh!t.

And if your wondering why I put black over that nice red color, I am trying something different. I got the idea from an auto body veteran, he has never done it but I thought it was a cool idea.
Paint two different colors, sand through the top color in sort of random spots so the under color shows through.
Before this alligatoring business I figured that if I didn't like it that I would simply paint back over it. Now if it turns out bad I will have to start back at square one...

22 December 2012

Finally got around to final bondo work and sanding, I sanded and re-bondo'd 5 or 6 times. It's not perfect but I'm convinced it is the best I could do with my limited experience.
This is rattle can primer. I am debating whether to spray the top coats, or just rattle can them and do a good couple wet sands.

Wet sanded with 2000 grit.

Rustoleum Red - Rattle can

25 October 2012

Gas Tank Rehab...

This is me, doing the same thing as alot of people have done before. Painting my gas tank.

The bike got dropped by the previous owner, so also as alot of bikes, it had a dent in that top corner of the tank. You can also see in the pic dents on the smaller part of the tank.

To start took 120 grit sandpaper to the whole tank, using a small air sander(2in disks). I think I went through a dozen pieces.

Once it was all sanded I sandblasted it all, minus the sections with bondo.

Then for the bondo-ing. This is my first ever attempt with using bondo. I started using fiberglass bondo for the deeper spots, but left it 1/8 to 1/16 from the surface, so that I could cover over it with regular bondo. I was told by someone that knew what they were doing, that this is the best way. I am going to have to do another coat after I sand it down, there was some inconsistencies that I could not deal with(In-experience) while the bondo was wet.

17 October 2012

The Teardown...

I started my winter teardown yesterday, I have only been able to work on it for a couple hours the last couple days, between work and taking care of a 7-month old sweetheart at night...

In the near future the plans are:
Make new bars
Re-fab reserve tank using a military surplus 5 Liter gas can to fir where stick reserve tank sits.

This is the bike as it sits tonight.